Monday 1 September 2014

Instagram Update #3

To cut a long story short, I'm very nosy and love nothing more than scrolling through people's instagrams, as well as Instagram Updates that a few bloggers do and I'm certain that there are people out there that love doing the same as me. Because of that, and because I find it interesting, I myself have done two of these little update posts before and decided to do a third one today, with a few photos that I've uploaded recently. Enjoy!

  • This photo is not only one of my favourite photos ever taken, but it is also taken on one of my favourite days ever. It was taken in Summer 2012, when family friends decided to take both myself and Meg on a trip to Ronda. It was brilliant and this photo taken at the end of the day is a perfect reminder of that. I like it that, if you really zoom in, you can see the people in the background staring right at us, haha.

  • I can't believe this was taken over a year ago! Nor can I believe that we're dressed like tennis players but we'll gloss over that. It was a dance outfit, after all. This is me and one of my best friend's, Alba and I honestly love it. Although it does look like there are a pair of eyes watching us in the background... Casper? 

  • It seems like this Instagram Update mainly features my best friends and I! This particular photo was taken in April 2013, when me and about twenty friends went on holiday to Portugal and Salamanca. This photo was taken in Salamanca's square and is easily one of my favourite photos from the trip. I wish I'd taken more photos but, whenever I go on holiday with friends, my camera always seems to end up breaking or I leave my battery or memory card behind! It's very annoying as I really like to document everything. 

  • I recently instagrammed this to show how excited I was that Meg was coming to visit me. I got a text late Saturday night/early Sunday morning asking if she could come and visit me ON MONDAY. Yes, the next day! The award for best friend ever clearly goes to her as it's not everyday that someone flies 3000 miles just to see you.

  • This is from my Mam's birthday. It's just my Mam and I in my house so I always try to make a bit of a big thing out of her birthday. I got her a bottle of her favourite Jo Malone perfume and she actually cried. Ridiculous, I know. The award for best daughter ever clearly goes to me though.

  • Hello and welcome to my new favourite place on planet Earth. Well, that's probably a slight exaggeration but it is seriously beautiful. I recently took Meg here, along with our other friend Saoirse, for the day and we had the best time. This is now my profile picture on Twitter and Instagram, just to make everyone a little bit jealous. It might have looked a bit better without the drain and pool system in the background though...

  • Walking about two or three miles in the mid 40 degree heat turned Meg into a tortoise. Or a dinosaur, I'm not quite sure to be honest. Either way, she looked brilliant and, despite her initial reaction, this had to be put on Instagram for both mine and other people's amusement. 

  • This was taken during Carnival, in February. It's actually something that I wrote a whole post on so be sure to check it out if you haven't already! It's just such a good photo and really reminds me of happy times so it had to be brought back out as a quick TBT!

  • Morning yoga after spending the entire night awake with two of my favourite people (more on that here). This was taken as a joke but I actually ended up really liking it, french bulldog pjs, unbrushed hair and make-up less face included!

And that's it! I really enjoy doing these so there will definitely be more of these in the future.
Be sure to leave your instagram names in the comments below!

All photos were edited using VSCO and Square InstaPic.
My instagram is katewilson96

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